2017 December 16

Side A

rescues cartoon. christmas puppy. spay and neuter your pets cartoon. Santa gets sponsored by ASPCA and gives nothign but rescued animals for christmas.

2017 December 16

Side B

spitting tobacco into and drinking beer out of identical cans. most dangerous game. cartoon. bad idea. bad ideas. chewing tobacco cartoon. dip. chaw.

2017 December 02

Side A

cartoon manatee. manatee cartoon. manatee comicstrip. manatee comics. lettuce-headed person in manatee infested waters. mannatee. manattee.

2017 December 02

Side B

pact with the devil. black mass cartoon. s'more cartoon. smores cartoon. cartoon smore. camping comic. how to make a pact with the devil. how to sell your soul. two pandas make a pact with the devil; one brings chocolate, one brings graham crackers, and the devil toasts marshmallows on his pitchfork.

2017 November 26

Side A

canoe. canoeing cartoon. panda comicstrip. canoo. canooing. I only agreed to go canoeing because I thought you'd help paddle.

2017 November 26

Side B

sunflower. sunflower seeds. sun flower seeds. sunflowers. Panda eats sunflower seeds meant for planting and flowers grow out of the panda's ears.

2017 November 12

Side A

cartoon bear hug. cartoon bearhug. emergency hug. comics. comicstrip. panda. pandas. panda bears. pandarama.

2017 November 12

Side B

A pandarama.net cartoon where snow is falling. So the pandas are worried the car will get stuck. Then, one panda shovels the street, but piles all the snow on top of the car to make a snow man.

2017 October 13

Side A

panda sprays other panda with bearspray for protection from grizzly bear

2017 October 13

Side B

Wrestling cartoon. Panda when's wrestling match because lack of anatomical features makes the panda invulnerable, then the panda accidentally defeats opponent with congratulatory hug.

2017 October 13

100th Cartoon Super Bonus

Joke about being stuck on an island, told by Jackie Martling on episode 164 of Penn's Sunday School, retold w/ pandas. Sara Stout inspired the genie.

2017 October 5

Side A

Aliens discover flight in wooden flying saucer.

2017 October 5

Side B

cartoon where pandas support a benefit concert that supports the maintenance of fences at their neighbor's tiger farm.

2017 September 30

Side A

panda presents other panda with two gift boxes. panda: I got you a cow. Other panda thanks, why are their two boxes? First panda: some assembly required.

2017 September 30

Side B

the kale variety with the most feeding damage from pests is probably the most delicious variety.

2017 September 2

Side A

panda pushing a panda dressed as a pumpkin into the ocean while saying 'don't be ridiculous, sharks are carnivorous'. chum. chumming. panda cartoon. marine biology cartoon.

2017 September 2

Side B

cartoon where pandas describe the shapes of clouds, revealing from the other side of the cloud that those figures are hiding on the tops of the clouds.

2017 August 26

Side A

clown traversing the arctic in a dog sled suspended in the air by giant balloon dogs. balloon dog cartoon. balloon animal webcomic. dogsled. dogsledding. iditarod cartoon.

2017 August 26

Side B

pandas are disappointed that days of berry picking only resulted in one jar of jam, because they were eating too many berries. berrypicking cartoon. berry-picking.

2017 August 12

Side A

pandas leave a u-pick facility with rocks and dandelions with the intention of building a wall and braiding a crown, respectively. u-pick cartoon.

2017 August 12

Side B

amoeba-shaped animal cookies. comic. amoeba animal crackers. comics. animal crackers cartoon.

2017 July 23

Side A

cartoon of farmer paying potato beetle to encourage other potato beetles to exercise and eat less. CPB. CPB larva. Colorado Potato Beetle. Organic Pest Control.

2017 July 23

Side B

comicstrip of clown accidentally turning his white laundry pink and being upset that he will NOW look ridiculous. reds with whites. pink laundry. cherry blossom. pandarama.

2017 July 15

Side A

panda pushing a wheelbarrow with another panda in it who is holding an AK-47. A truck with a machinegun mounted to the back drives by, and the gunner encourages the pandas to keep practicing. technical vehicle. m2 machinegun cartoon.

2017 July 15

Side B

panda is painting, the other panda wants to help but is eating a peanutbutter and jelly sandwich, so the panda puts on work gloves to keep the project clean, but instead needs help washing jelly out of gloves. panda comic. jelly cartoon. work gloves.

2017 June 25

Side A

cartoon with one panda making a lot of nonsense noises because it is singing along with techno music. techno panda. sing-a-long techno. EDM cartoon. panda webcomic.

2017 June 25

Side B

panda on mango-a-day diet, because it necessitates flossing. flossing comic. how to floss. panda bear comic strip

2017 June 3

Side A

ergonomically designed weight rack makes weights easier to pick up, why not get lighter weights. Pandarama. cartoon panda. monkey cartoon. gym. weightlifting comics.

2017 June 3

Side B

Pandarama cartoon. farmer selling radish as heirloom carrot.

2017 May 21

Side A

Cartoon where pandas forget to pickup a blues performer for his gig, so he writes a song about them while he's waiting. bluesman cartoon. cartoon bluesman. lightning hopkins. left at the bus station.

2017 May 21

Side B

cartoon about a panda's bad camping trip because gear got wet and panda couldn't find icecubes the panda packed. panda camping comicstrip.

2017 April 17

Side A

flying saucer school bus broken down in Earth desert during an astronomy field trip. UFO cartoon . Alien cartoon. tall grey illustration. short gray picture. pandarama.

2017 April 17

Side B

cartoon where panda tries to give another panda a house cat to use as a practice lion for lion-taming class.

2017 March 21

Side A

panda comicstrip with snails building mailbox safely and slowly. pandarama.

2017 March 21

Side B

castle with recycling box full of weapons and armor. cartoon. recycle. Pandarama.

2017 February 28

Side A

panda cartoon where panda wants to use overcoming-adversity self-help book chapter to get stuck car out of swamp.

2017 February 28

Side B

panda uses heavy fishing rod as bludgeon to steal other panda's fish. fishing cartoon.

2017 January 19

Side A

panda webcomic. Boxing enthusiast excited about boxing match, so is general enthusiast. sports cartoon.

2017 January 19

Side B

pandarama cartoon of recurring nightmare of being a marshmallow in a smore.

2017 January 14

Side A

parrallel invention of exotic dancing is a goat eating a hula dancer's grass skirt

2017 January 14

Side B

pandas. cartoon. webcomic. webcartoon. donut. donuts. doughnuts. panda. bakery. dozen. 'metric dozen'. 11 is a hungry baker's dozen, and 10 is a metric dozen.